Tinaroo Sailing Club


Tinaroo is arguably Far North Queensland's premier dinghy sailing club.

We are a family oriented club and an accredited Australian Sailing Discover Sailing Centre.

We offer:  Racing, Learn to Sail courses, High School Sailing and of course, the opportunity to use the club's absolute water front location.

The club caters for any sailing craft but the most commonly sailed classes are O'pen Skiffs (for juniors), Lasers, Tasars and a variety of Catamarans.

The club has a fleet of vessels comprising RS Fevas, RS Quests, O'pen Skiffs, Lasers and Nacra 5.0 that are used for training and bringing new members into our sport.

We race every second Sunday through most of the year, with breaks for school holidays.

On race day mornings we have a training session - a fun way to learn for all kids (ages 8 upwards) and adults, from beginners to the more experienced. The racing begins after a BBQ lunch, and usually encompasses two races during the afternoon.

High school team sailing runs on Friday afternoons in terms 1 & 4. No sailing experience is needed, and participants are treated to a sausage sizzle afterwards. 

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WAITLIST for Learn to Sail
Waitlist for Next Course
Tinaroo Sailing Club
Waitlist for our next Start Sailing / Learn to Sail course.
Tinaroo Sailing Club May Day Regatta 2025
3 to 5 May 2025
Tinaroo Sailing Club

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